Psychotherapy for Grief
Grief is an emotion brought about by loss in relation to a lived experience. Grief is not a stationery state on a linear trajectory that one day you will “get over”, rather it is fluid and circular, constantly triggered by cues in ones environment, resulting in feelings, which effect our behaviours. The most common examples are bereavement and the ending of a relationship, however; grief can also be connected to the loss of ‘ideas’ or ‘plans’ or how we had hoped things might be.
Grief Psychotherapy Services In Dublin
Psychotherapy can help you realise that you and your future are not lost – part of working through the pain of the grief is adjusting and transitioning to your new life . . . both in the present and the future without that person or desired outcome.
This can be extremely complex and the experience is always very individual. No two people grieve in the same way, even if there are similarities. We are subjective beings. Psychotherapy or counselling provides you with some tools to aid coping with and facing the feelings of loss. This can be difficult as there is often many different feelings and ways of thinking that can make grief feel like a big spaghetti ball of confusion. With support these affects can be untangled and made sense of, and I know it is a bit of a cliche, but it can take some time. It also takes courage. In yoga this is sometimes referred to as “The Journey of the Warrior”- where one faces into their pain. The relationship in the therapeutic encounter provides a supportive space where one can feel like they are not alone in this journey.
Grief & Loss are part of a natural life cycle
In most people’s lives, we face the agony of losing someone incredibly important to us. Bereavement Psychotherapy gives you the space, time and tools to face your pain, mourn your loss and understand the feelings and experiences that have surfaced.
It is worth noting that after the death of a loved one, few of us are fully prepared for the emotions that follow.
Symptoms Of Grief and Loss
What are some of the feelings and experiences you may be dealing with after a bereavement or loss?
- Shock
- Denial
- Feeling abandoned
- Numbness / feeling as though in a daze
- Overwhelming sadness
- Crying, sometimes uncontrollably
- Anger
- Guilt
- Pain
- Depression
- Having to cope with others reactions – having to comfort others through your own grief
- Physical exhaustion
Some of the above may be perceived as negative, however; it is important to remember that they are normal feelings in the aftermath of loss.
Often those who are bereaved can become anxious, worried or depressed. People may become worried that having these feelings and thoughts are not normal in some way, that what they feel or think is ‘bad’ or even ‘wrong’. The reality is that it is normal to feel all sorts of things, and that a whole spectrum of sometimes colliding feelings and emotions are all part of it.
How does bereavement Psychotherapy work?
Therapy for your grief helps you work through the stages of mourning, which is not linear by the way. Rather it is a back and forth, sometimes around and around, where you eventually learn how to live with the loss.
Bereavement Psychotherapy is a space where you can talk about the person or thing that you have lost. It offers a safe space to talk with an experienced expert and explore your feelings without judgement and without worrying that you are going to upset that person. This is often the case with well-intentioned family members and friends.
How long does it take to Grieve?
There is also no ‘normal’ or specific time frame with regard to grieving. It is a process that is very different for every person. For grief to be worked through and for those seeking healing through bereavement Psychotherapy, sometimes all that is needed is a space to talk about the person specifically and other things that have been impacted by the death, for example; relationships or work. The right time to come to grief psychotherapy is when you feel you are ready to take the “Journey of the warrior” and face into your pain. There is a myth in our current society that seeking help, or even needing help is weak. In fact, this is such a courageous thing to do.
Grief and Bereavement Psychotherapy in Dublin
If you are experiencing emotions of grief, following a death, or you are morning the loss of something important in your life- I will be here to accompany and support you on your journey through your pain. Take the first courageous step to understanding your feelings and begin. Contact Me today.

Self Awareness

Self Acceptance

Self Empowerment
Fully Accredited
Member of The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) Ltd.

Contact Details
Phone: 086 816 2473
Email: [email protected]
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday (9pm Until 5pm)xxx
Ballybrack, Glenageary, Co Dublin