Contact Information
Feel free to call me directly, but bear in mind that I am often in practice. In the case you ring and I don’t answer it is best to leave a voicemail or you can also text. You can also leave an email. I’ll get right back to you as soon as I’m free.
Prior to our initial first session, I offer a short conversation over the phone (typically 10-15 mins). This will be beneficial in helping you feel if I would be someone you would be at ease working with. It also allows for minor issues like where my office is etc, while allowing me to answer any questions you may have.
Professional telephone number: 0868162473
Professional email: [email protected]
Practice address: Ballybrack, Glenageary, Co Dublin
Fully Accredited
Member of The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) Ltd.

Contact Details
Phone: 086 816 2473
Email: [email protected]
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday (9pm Until 5pm)xxx
Ballybrack, Glenageary, Co Dublin